Ending emotional eating is a process – it probably won’t just happen overnight. I laid out the 12 step process I went through myself to permanently end my binge eating and emotional eating in general. In the video below are the tactics I’ve successfully used with clients and readers to help them overcome stress eating and binge behaviors.

These 12 steps, along with the group calls, the group support in the Facebook page, and all the other videos and interviews you have access to in the Emotional Eating Support Group should sustainably help you end bingeing forever – woohoo!

This hour-long presentation is followed by a 30-minute Q&A session with the people who were on the call. If you’d like to print out the presentation slides please access them below.

I’d love your comments and your additions to my 12 steps. There’s a lot to this process, and your wisdom is invaluable!

->> Download Emotional Eating Presentation Notes